Thursday, July 26, 2012

Principles of Real Analysis, Third Edition By Charalambos D. Aliprantis

Principles of Real Analysis, Third Edition By Charalambos D. Aliprantis

  • Hardcover: 415 pages
  • Publisher: Academic Press; 3 edition (September 9, 1998)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0120502577
  • ISBN-13: 978-0120502578
  • Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 5 x 0.5 inches 

This  is  the  third  edition  of Principles  of Real Analysis,  first  published  in  1981.
The  aim  of this  edition  is  to  accommodate  the  current  needs  for  the  traditional
real  analysis  course  that  is  usually  taken  by  the  senior  undergraduate  or by  the
first  year graduate student in  mathematics.  This edition differs substantially from
the second edition.  Each chapter has been greatly improved by incorporating new
material and by rearranging the old material.  Moreover, a new chapter (Chapter 6)
on Hilbert spaces and Fourier analysis has been added.
The  subject  matter  of the  book  focuses  on  measure  theory  and  the  Lebesgue
integral as well as their applications to several functional analytic directions.  As in
the previous editions, the presentation of measure theory is built upon the notion of
a semi ring in connection with the classical Caratheodory extension procedure.  We
believe that this natural approach can be easily understood by the student.  An extra
bonus of the  presentation of measure theory  via the semiring approach is  the fact
that the product of semirings is always a semi ring while the product of a-algebras is
a semiring but not a a-algebra.  This simple but important fact demonstrates that the
semiring approach is the natural setting for product measures and iterated integrals.
The theory  of integration  is  also  studied  in  connection  with  partially  ordered
vector spaces  and,  in  particular,  in  connection  with  the  theory  of vector lattices.
The theory of vector lattices  provides  the  natural  framework  for formalizing and
interpreting  the  basic  properties  of measures  and  integrals  (such  as  the  Radon-Nikodym theorem, the Lebesgue and Jordan decompositions of a measure, and the
Riesz representation  theorem).  The bibliography  at the  end of the book includes
several  books  that  the  reader  can  consult  for  further  reading  and  for  different
approaches to  the  presentation of measure theory and  integration.
In order to supplement the learning effort, we have added many problems (more
than  I 50 for a total of 609) of varying degrees of difficulty.  Students who solve a
good percentage of these problems will certainly master the material of this book.
To indicate to the reader that the development of real analysis was a collective effort
by many great scientists  from  several  countries  and continents through  the  ages,
we have included brief biographies of all contributors to the subject mentioned in
this book. 
