Saturday, June 23, 2012

Cohomology of Arithmetic Groups, L-Functions and Automorphic - T. Venkatamarana

Cohomology of Arithmetic Groups, L-Functions and Automorphic - T. Venkatamarana

S.  Ramanan
School of  Mathematics
Tata Institute of  Fundamental Research
Mumbai, INDIA
T.N. Venkataramana
School of Mathematics
Tata Institute of  Fundamental Research
Mumbai, INDIA 
ISBN  81-7319-421-1

This volume consists of  the proceedings of  an International  Conference
on  Automorphic  Forms,  L-functions  and  Cohomology  of  Arith-
metic Groups, held at the School of Mathematics, Tata Institute of  Fun-
damental  Research, during December  1998-January  1999.  The conference
was part  of  the  'Special  Year'  at the Tata Institute,  devoted to the above
The Organizing Committee consisted of  Prof.  M.S.  Raghunathan, Dr.
E. Ghate, Dr.  C. Khare, Dr.  Arvind Nair, Prof.  D. Prasad, Dr.  C.S. Rajan
and Prof.  T.N. Venkataramana.
Professors  J.  Cogdell,  M.  Ram  Murty,  F.  Shahidi  and  D.S.  Thakur,
respectively from  Oklahoma  State University, Queens University, Purdue
University  and  University  of  Arizona,  took  part  in  the  Conference  and
kindly  agreed  to  have  the  expositions  of  their  latest  research  work  pub-
lished  here.  From  India,  besides the members  of  the Institute,  Professors
M.  Manickam, D. Prasad, S. Raghavan,  B. Ramakrishnan T.C.  Vasudevan
and  N.  Sanat gave invited talks  at the conference.
Mr.  V. Nandagopal carried out the difficult task of  converting into one
format, the manuscripts which were typeset in different styles and software.
Mr.  D.B. Sawant and his colleagues at the School of  Mathematics office
helped in the organization of the Conference with their customary efficiency.
