Friday, June 22, 2012

Algebraic Topology an Intuitive Approach - H. Sato

Algebraic Topology an Intuitive Approach - H. Sato

 Translations of
Volume 183
124 pages
ISBN O-8218-1046-4

In order to pursue this objective we have therefore sacrificed gen-
erality and limited the objects of our discussion to the simplest but
most essential cases. We did not try to expand the theory to its fullest
extent to make our book an encyclopedic reference; instead, we use
the easiest possible examples to help the reader see the backbone of
our discussion.
We will be greatly pleased if the reader enjoys reading our book
while acquiring several essential methods or approaches to discuss
algebraic topology. We must await the reaction of the reader to see
if our plan will succeed. We will appreciate it if the reader gives us
any feedback (criticisms and comments)'.
The basic framework of the book comes from the seminar notes
"Practical Topology for Physicists" given by Akihiro Tsuchiya and
compiled by Yasuhiko Yamada at the University of Nagoya in 1986.
I am deeply indebted to Mr. Tsuchiya for permitting me to use his
seminar notes as well as for giving me much useful advice throughout
every stage of the writing. My thanks also go to Tadayoshi Mizutani,
Tetsuya Ozawa, Yoshinori Machida, and Shigeo Ichiraku, who not
only read the entire manuscript carefully, finding many mistakes, but
also suggested various ways to improve the final product. Last but
not least, I would like to thank the editors at Iwanami Shoten.
