Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Algebraic Theory of Spinors and Clifford Algebras - C. Chevalley

The Algebraic Theory of Spinors and Clifford Algebras  - C. Chevalley

Chevalley. C. (Claude). 1909-
[HorNs. English. 1996]
Collected works / Claude Chevalley ; editors, Pierre Cartier,
Catherine Chevalley.
p. CO.
Zncludee bibliographical references and Index.
Contents: o- v. 2. The algebraic theory o spinors and CliFFord
ISBN 3-540-57063-2 (v. 2 : Berlin : hardcover  alk. paper). --
ISBN O-367-57063-2 (v. 2 : Ne York : hardcover = elk. paper)
1. Hathemetics. 1. Cartier. P. (Pierre) 1I. Chevalley,
Catherine. III. Title.
0A3.C493413 1996
510--dc20 6-7951
