Friday, June 1, 2012

Commutative Ring Theory - H. Matsumura

Commutative Ring Theory - H. Matsumura



Conventions and terminology
I Commutative rings and modules
1 Ideals
2 Modules
3 Chain conditions
2 Prime ideals
4 Localisation and Spec of a ring
5 The Hilbert Nullstellensatz and first steps in dimension theory
6 Associated primes and primary decomposition
Appendix to ��6. Secondary representations of a module
3 Properties of extension rings
? Flatness
Appendix to ��7. Pure submodules
8 Completion and the Artin-Rees lemma
9 Integral extensions
4 Valuation rings
10 General valuations
11 DVRs and Dedekind rings
12 Krull rings
5 Dimension theory
13 Graded rings, the Hilbert function and the Samuel function
Appendix to ��13. Determinantal ideals
14 Systems of parameters and multiplicity
15 The dimension of extension rings
6 Regular sequences
16 Regular sequences and the Koszui complex
17 Cohen-Macaulay rings
18 Gorenstein rings
7 Regular rings
19 Regular rings
20 UFDs
21 Complete intersection ringa
vi Contents
8 Flatness revisited
22 The local flatness criterion
23 Flatness and fibres
24 Generic freehess and open loci results
9 Derivations
25 Derivations and differentials
26 Separability
27 Higher derivations
10 I-smoothness
28 /-smoothness
29 The structure theorems for complete local rings
30 Connections with derivations
11 Applications of complete local rings
31 Chains of prime ideals
32 The formal fibre
33 Some other applications
Appendix A. Tensor products, direct and inverse limits
Appendix B. Some homological algebra
Appendix C. The exterior algebra
Solutions and hints for exercises
